Fibromyalgia Patients Notice in Difficulties Smelling
By: Dr Alex Robber The amount of olfactory bulb that is a main structure in the way we perceive and differentiate smell can be lowered for fibromyalgia patients, a research discovered. This study, "Less olfactory bulb volumes in patients with fibromyalgia disease," was published on the Clinical Rheumatology Journal. This finding can help explain why some patients report impairments of olfactory perception. Olfactory perception is often recorded as being deficient in Fibromyalgia Disease patients and is able to recognize and differentiate distinct kinds of scents. The olfactory bulb is the first structure that contributes to our smell perception. It consists of two nerve cell kinds that are supported by cells in the cavity of the nose. However, while "self-reported olfactory features have been investigated with olfactory exams, olfactory bulb volumes have not been investigated." Other illnesses, including Alzheimer's disease, Parcinson's disease, schizophre...