3 Most Painful Causes of Insomnia, Have you find yours?
By: Dr Alex Robber Insomnia and its painful causes. Insomnia a sleeping disorder mainly causes by physiological and medical conditions. Such as Anxiety, stress and depression are main factors to cause chronic type of insomnia other conditions like emotional and psychological causes include anger, trauma, worry and bipolar disorder. Anxiety. Stress and anxiety can cause a sleep disorder, but lack of sleeping also cause anxiety. if anxiety or lack of sleep coops up only occasionally, these simple tips may help your body and mind relax. add exercise daily in your life. take time to wind down. leave the stressful activities before going to bed. relax your brain. try medication. Stress . stress and anxiety may cause sleep disorder or making existing problem to be worse condition. stress people do not sleep regularly, difficulty staying asleep or wake up too early and unfresshed. add exercise. play music. take an adequate amount of sleep. talk to someone. sleep more soundly. avoid looking at...